Geri Spieler is co-author of SAN FRANCISCO VALUES: Common Ground for Getting America Back on Track. Geri published more than 150 research articles on technology as a Gartner electronic commerce analyst and Research Director. As an investigative journalist, she has written for the San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, Forbes, and Truthdig. Geri served as president of the California Writers Club San Francisco / Peninsula Branch, and holds memberships in the Women’s National Book Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, the Association of Internet Research Specialists, the National Book Critics Circle, and the Internet Society.

Author of the award-winning Taking Aim at the President: The Remarkable Story of the Woman Who Shot at Gerald Ford (Palgrave Macmillan), Los Angeles native Geri has lived with her co-author and husband in Palo Alto for the past 25 years.